💯% Definitely True Facts

Factoids that are definitely, surely, totally, without a doubt 100% true

Study Shows 100 Of People Like Taking Surveys

A new study by the Chicago Institute of Research this week shows a potentially surprising result—that 100% of US adult residents like taking surveys.

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Why Dogs Are So Impatient

Dogs can often seem rather impatient, almost even whiny perhaps. They love your constant attention, and can easily get despondent or irritated at being ignored. They need to pee every few hours, where you can hold it all day. Why can't dogs just wait?

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Etymology And Entomology

You may have noticed the rather odd fact that "etymology," the study of words, and "entomology," the study of insects, sound oddly similar. Well, there's actually a very good reason for this. See, they used to be the exact same thing!

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